Summary - Alan Jones

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Name: Alan Jones
Custom Title: Rational Mystic
Alan UK
Posts: 1 (0.000 per day)
Membership Level: Professional

Gender: Male Male
Age: 66
City, State, Country: Redruth, Cornwall, UK
Date Registered: August 18, 2013, 12:15:49 PM
Last Active: March 10, 2024, 03:20:19 PM

Contact Info
Website Alan Jones

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Alan is Co Founder of the Cornwall School of Mystery and Magick (est 2014) and Director of Inspire NLP.

In 2012 he was invested as a Knight Templar within the Ancient and Noble Order of Knights Templar and in 2014 was recipient of an Award in Inspiring Human Potential (Spirtiual and Personal Development).

About My Practice/Research
Have conducted research in Past Life Regression using Hypnosis.

Received two innovation awards in Education.

A NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer as well as Reiki Master links with aspects of current work in Transpersonal Counselling & Coaching.

A member of the Fellowship of Isis, Arch Druid within the Reformed Druids of Gaia, Foundation of Shamanic Studies plus degrees in Science (BSc) and Psychology (PhD) means that a self defined path of being a Rational Mystic allows for exploration of the scientific within the mystical and the mystical within the scientific.

Alan Jones
Rational Mystic
Inspire NLP : Cornwall School of Mystery & Magick

Kudo's 2
Local Time: July 27, 2024, 05:24:38 PM

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