Summary - Phillip Manyok

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Name: Phillip Manyok
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Membership Level: Professional

Gender: Male Male
Age: N/A
City, State, Country: Springfield
Date Registered: October 01, 2013, 11:11:16 PM
Last Active: November 01, 2014, 06:48:39 PM

Contact Info
Email pm3.kanago@yahoo.com
Website Research Fear Buster Guy

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Phillip Manyok is a former Lost Boy of Sudan and a SPLA veteran himself. He holds PhD in Metaphysical Science from Institute of Metaphysical Humanistic Science, Master of Art International Relations and Conflict Resolution from American Public University, Bachelor and Master of Metaphysical Science from Institute of Metaphysical Humanistic Science, Bachelor of Science in Political Science from Southwest Baptist University, Associate of Arts from Penn Valley Community College and he is currently PhD(ABD)finishing up research on " Cattle Rustling its impacts on Security Situation in Jonglei state,South Sudan" at Nova Southeastern University.

I am a humble and ambitious metaphysician. I am not a perfectionist by any measure but I follow my conscience. However, I consider myself a perfect human being capable to make mistakes. Any mistake I make, I view it as a learning opportunity to improve myself. Whatever, life throws at me, I take it without a regret but embrace it as a learning opportunity toward becoming a better person.

About My Practice/Research
Besides my metaphysical PhD,  I have just finished course work for my academic PhD program in Conflict Analysis and Resolution at Nova Southeastern University.  During my undergraduate studies, I have been involved in researching various topics of which I have written many research papers on different topics ranging from Democracy, Neocolonialism, peacekeeping, public policy, management, post war reconstruction, among many others.  You are welcome to check these  papers' topics under Educational Papers tab above.

I have several years of  experience in qualitative research from case study,phenomenology, and participant action research (PAR). So if you are a student who needs  help with your first academic research paper, research proposal and thesis writing, I am your guy. I can help you get rid of that nagging fear about writing your first research paper. You should not do it alone. Please, contact me, the Research Fear Buster Guy at pm3.kanago@yahoo.com


Phillip Manyok,PhD

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Local Time: January 21, 2025, 01:04:17 AM

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