Summary - Mindy Ganz

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Name: Mindy Ganz
Posts: 0 (0 per day)
Membership Level: Professional

Gender: Female Female
Age: N/A
City, State, Country: Long Island, New York
Date Registered: January 16, 2014, 12:54:33 PM
Last Active: March 23, 2017, 04:56:31 AM

Contact Info
Website Enlighten The Journey

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Mindy is a certified practitioner in life coaching, spiritual counseling and hypnosis. She holds a doctorate degree in Metaphysical Science and graduated Summa Cum Laude.  She is also a registered ordained minister for Long Island, NY and the 5 boroughs of New York City.

Mindy is a writer and a poet who only recently began to share her work with the world. She is a former upper level management executive turned stay at home mom. After working many years in a rat race style career that left her unfulfilled and stressed, she had the surprise of her life when she found out she was expecting a baby girl. Since then, her focus shifted and she decided to take time off from her previous life and focus on her family and her passion.


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Local Time: January 21, 2025, 01:15:14 AM

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