Summary - Raul Valverde

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Name: Raul Valverde
Posts: 0 (0 per day)
Membership Level: Professional

Gender: Male Male
Age: 54
City, State, Country: Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada
Date Registered: December 05, 2019, 04:34:46 PM
Last Active: December 30, 2022, 04:31:33 AM

Contact Info
Website Institute of Consciousness Studies and Transpersonal Psychology

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I am a Naturopath of the ANPQ, Certified Professional Counsellor (PACCP), Certified in Transpersonal Psychotherapy (EUROTAS), Licensed Counselling Therapist (ACTA), a registered minister of religion with the directeur de l'état civil Quebec. He is also a graduate in Spiritual Science and Therapeutic Counselling (East-West Spirituality) from the International Institute of Integral Human Sciences in Montreal.

I am the owner of the Institute of Consciousness and Transpersonal Psychology ( where I teach courses that lead to naturotherapist in applied metaphysics and metaphysical ministry.

About My Practice/Research
The Institute of consciousness studies and transpersonal psychology is a learning institute that was founded by Raul Valverde PhD. Transpersonal psychology supports the integration of spirituality, humanistic values, holistic philosophy, energy therapies and traditional practices.
The institute offers programs in Naturotherapy in Applied Metaphysics and Holistic Psychology that are accredited by the L’Association des Naturopathes Professionnels du Québec, L'Association des Naturothérapeutes du Québec and also ministerial credentials that are accepted for Minister of Religion licenses issued the Canadian Metaphysical International Ministry ( and professional practitioners of metaphysics with the by the International Metaphysical Association (
Graduates of the Naturotherapy in Applied Metaphysics can apply to be ordained metaphysical ministers with the Canadian Metaphysical International Ministry and being able to perform wedding ceremonies in several provinces in Canada and provide pastoral counselling, they can also apply for membership with the International Metaphysical Association ( Both graduates of the Naturotherapist of Applied Metaphysics and Naturotherapist in Holistic Psychology can apply for the the Naturotherapist designation from the l'Association des Naturothérapeutes du Québec ( and the The Academy of Naturopaths and Naturotherapists of Canada (

The institute also offers a Doctorate in Spirituality and Transpersonal Psychology through Ballsbridge University in Dominica and offers the possibility to get a Masters degree in Spirituality and Transpersonal Psychology to those graduates of our naturotherapist programs from the same university.

To learn more about it, you can go to the courses pages at:

Raul Valverde PhD
Certified Professional Counsellor, PACCP
Certified in Transpersonal Psychotherapy, EUROTAS
Minister of Religion, Quebec

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Local Time: January 21, 2025, 03:14:09 AM

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