Summary - Carl Ryan Tucker

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Name: Carl Ryan Tucker
Posts: 0 (0 per day)
Membership Level: Professional

Gender: Male Male
Age: 40
City, State, Country: Rockville, MD, USA
Date Registered: April 07, 2022, 06:00:25 PM
Last Active: October 11, 2022, 08:15:56 PM

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Website Capital Reiki

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Dr. Tucker is the Founder and Director of Capital Reiki.  He first found Reiki in a yoga class in early 2015.  Ever since that experience, he has been drawn closer and closer to Reiki and has begun the journey of learning everything he can about this ancient tradition from the East.  Apart from managing the practice, Dr. Tucker regularly volunteers with organizations in the Washington DC metropolitan area and is a certified human rights consultant.

Dr. Tucker received his PhD in Metaphysical Energy Healing at the Institute of Metaphysical Humanistic Science and is a board-certified Holistic Health Practitioner by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.


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Local Time: July 27, 2024, 10:41:59 AM

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