Summary - Jen Casper Ritter

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Name: Jen Casper Ritter
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Membership Level: Professional

Age: N/A
City, State, Country: Effort, PA USA
Date Registered: November 13, 2023, 02:59:37 PM
Last Active: November 14, 2023, 06:47:05 PM

Contact Info
Website Jen Casper, Intuitive Coach

Profile Pictures

I have always been different, special, and unique.  As an empath, I can see and feel what others may not understand. Using my gift of intuitive guidance, I correspond intimately with angels, archangels, and the ascended masters gaining valuable insight to help others.

Life is full of questions and, sometimes, the answer is hidden just below the surface.  I use my intuitive abilities to help others with their experiences by answering questions that, otherwise, would HAVE no answers.

My intuitive coaching programs allow clients to move forward faster, heal old wounds, and define their lives with clarity.  I help others to achieve the greatest outcome possible if they are ready to redefine their lives and create something new.

As a Reiki Master, Spiritual Surgeon, Ordained Minister, Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Metaphysical Sciences and Metaphysical Humanistic Science, and certified in the holistic healing practices of SpR, SRT, IET, Spiritual Surgery, TIR (Trauma Incident Reduction), Psych-K, ThetaHealing, Metaphysical Anatomy, and hypnotherapy, I use holistic treatments and techniques within my spiritual counseling practice to help each person heal their body, mind, soul, and life experiences.  I inspire others to recreate their present experience by gaining empowerment by making hard decisions more manageable.  I teach my clients and students to choose to find the courage to create change because they want and desire inner peace.  Each client receives a unique style of healing custom-created for their needs.

I am presently working on my Master's in Spiritual Counseling.  In the years 2015-2021, I won the Best of Bethlehem Award in the Other Business Services Category.  I was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2017 and 2019.  On January 18, 2023, I published my angelic prayer and gratitude journal, Journey to Gratitude.  You can purchase a copy from Amazon.  I intend to get my Doctorate in Spiritual Counseling in 2024.  In my free time, I love to travel and find adventures with my husband, Josh.  I love to read and cuddle with my Shiba puppies, Ava and Thor, and kitties Memphis, Lionel, Ziggy and Athena.

About My Practice/Research
My name is Jen Casper Ritter.  I have been in private practice as an Intuitive Coach for over 13 years.  I have been studying Metaphysics for well over 26 years.  I have always been sensitive and just knew things.  I did not get serious or begin my true studies until 2010.  
In 2010, I was going through a bad break-up with my then-boyfriend.  I had gone to a psychic who wanted to charge me a lot of money to clear my chakras.  I did research and found a Healing Touch practitioner.  I worked with her for about three months.  In those three months, she opened up my chakras and my awareness.  I began to see ghosts and my gifts poured in.  On October 1, 2010, I opened my practice as a Spiritual Guide.  I was given this title by my team.  It would be many years later that I realized this title existed in the Bible and was not just part of the fairy tale I was living in the moment.  
Very late in 2010, there was a little boy named Kyron who went missing.  I was working at a hospital at the time and I had picked up a magazine with his picture on it.  I suddenly had a movie in my mind showing what happened to this little boy.  I could not believe what I was seeing. I ran to my computer to look up this boy.  I kept telling myself, “It is all just make-believe. They have found him safe and he is alive.  I am just playing a story in my mind.”  I am saddened to say as of this writing Kyron is still missing.  I had reached out to the police and his family members to only discover MANY psychics were called to service by this soul’s desire to be found out.  His SOS was received by many and the police were not interested in such.
In early 2011, life would teach me some more lessons about my gifts.  I was on Facebook and there was a page called “Missing Zachery.”  I heard a voice that was not mine tell me, “I will let you find me.  Tell my mom you know where I am.”  This begins a journey that holds a very special place in my heart.  I reached out to the owner of the page.  She responded and introduced me to Project Angel Eyes.  Project Angel Eyes worked to reunite families with their lost loved ones.  I worked with Project Angel Eyes and the police to find missing people for about 6 months until I got burned out.  We found some people, we found missing information that the police did not have, and some individuals simply did not want to be found.  I learned how to use my gifts and to trust what I saw by doing.
In 2012, I went from being a Spiritual Guide to an Intuitive Coach.  I began to have an ability to heal others long distance.  I was able to go into the Akashic Records and help clients release things.  I discovered how to give impromptu past life regressions to help past life lessons that were showing up in this lifetime.  
In 2013, I began to study in a school format.  I studied every metaphysical class I could take and received my Reiki I, II, and Master certificate.  I got a Life Coaching Certificate. I received many certifications from the school.  I learned as much as I could as fast as I could.
In 2017, Life said it was time to GO BIG.  I began to study holistic healing methods.  I am presently certified in over 30 different healing modalities.  To name a few, I am certified in Hypnotherapy, NLP, Theta Healing, Vortex Healing, IET, MAT, and Psych-K.  In 2017, I started at a university where I received my first Bachelor in Metaphysical Sciences.
In 2018, I traveled to Tasmania and received my Spiritual Surgery Certification.
The more I studied, the more I learned, until at one point, I began to realize I knew more than my instructors and my presence in my classes was to help students who were learning the modality heal themselves.  I also learned very recently that each modality that is created is only as vibrationally aware as the creator of it.  This was an eye-opening experience for me.
In 2019, I became certified as a life coach by the Certified Life Coach Institute.
In all my years of studying and acquiring certifications, my bookshelves became filled with books to further my studies even more.  I have read more books than I can count.
In 2012, I also began teaching spiritual self-help classes at the local college and then in my home.  I taught students how to find their voice, and helped explain why certain metaphysical things were happening for their growth.  I certified students in Reiki and then, Spiritual Surgery.
At the present moment, in 2023, I have just obtained my second Bachelor's Degree.  I have my Bachelor’s in Metaphysical Humanistic Science.  I set a goal for 2023 to complete my master’s at my previous university.  It was in October 2023 that I realized I had outgrown the University and the lack of support offered.  I found Thomas Francis University by Divine Design Intervention.  The magic of it speaks to every other lesson and metaphysical experience that is my life.  I reached out to a friend to help me figure out how to complete the course work and I explained how I simply could not do “this” and that there was a block.  After much discussion, he had an epiphany and suggested I check out Thomas Francis University.  I have never felt such support from a school before.  I am home!  
My studies are eclectic.  I am drawn to the modality that is needed at the time.  My mentors are unseen energies.  My team is extensive.  I see, feel, and experience life differently than most people.  I have never met a single person who interprets life like I do.  
Life has a way of showing up for you when you show up for it.  In the year 2023, I have been doing a lot of work towards my greater future.  I have been working on the outskirts of addiction and helping others who are challenged and their family members for many years.  Consciously, I have been working with an organization that helps family members of challenged loved ones for over five years with book studies.  My daughter, Alex, has been challenged since she was 15 years old.  In this year, it has become clear I am to work with challenged loved ones and their families to heal from addiction.  In June of 2023, I was awarded my Certification as a Certified Family Recovery Specialist.   As I am working on my Masters in Spiritual Counseling with Thomas Francis University, I will also be receiving my Certification as a Spiritual Counselor and Certified Empowered Recovery Counselor.  My Doctorate will be in Spiritual Counseling which I will receive by April 2024.
If I am accepted as a part of your organization, I will bring many years of study, knowledge, and awareness.  I desire to receive support and assistance from other practitioners who know as much or more than I.  My plans include speaking stages about metaphysics and the power of healing.  My niche, if that exists, is to help challenged loved ones and their families understand the gift addiction brings to our lives.  This is a very unsexy way to look at addiction, I realize that.  In my daughter’s addiction, I found recovery and I found myself.  It took my daughter’s experience over the past 6 years to propel me to HERE and where I am headed.
God and I signed an agreement when I was energetic and just a soul before I found my present body and breathed my first breath.  When I signed up to be on this planet, I know I was asked to teach, inspire, motivate, and encourage others.  This is my promise and my purpose.  Every day, I aim to inspire others the seed to help them find themselves and love who they find.  I inspire within them the ability to create change if they are ready and if they are not, the seed is planted for the future.
What limited information I have about my future and where I am going, I know I have just begun.  I have studied and will continue to study for I wish to continuously grow beyond who I presently think I am and what I believe I know.  There is more, so much more for me to learn, experience, and then share with the world.  Being a part of your organization would allow me to be in the company with like-minded individuals with the same purpose.  It is my hope my passion for life and study comes through these mere words on this page.
I am truly blessed and grateful.


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Local Time: February 18, 2025, 04:29:47 PM

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