Full Version
(Version Date: 3/9/2011)
Read the Abbreviated Version
Section 1: Do No Harm; Do Right.
Members must not only abide by this IMPA Code of Ethics, but must
also adhere to the spirit of this Code.
Members must work for the highest good and empowerment of all
concerned—themselves, clients, and others. The principles of “Do no harm”
and “Do right” are the epitome and ultimate paragon of this Code and should
govern all other principles. Members must never use their gifts and natural
talents for harm, ego, or personal power.
Members must not promote fear in clients and others by way of
psychic readings, impressions, predictions, or doomsday prophecies; holistic
diagnoses; cards, charts, or any divination device; superstitious beliefs;
or by any other means.
Section 2: Non-Discrimination Policy
Members must not advocate or express hatred or discrimination
towards other people or classes regardless of, but not limited to,
ethnicity, religion, background, national origin, personal beliefs, gender,
gender preference, or financial status.
Members must act with equal consideration and due diligence
whether being paid or working in a voluntary capacity.
Section 3: Disclosure and Informed Consent
Credentials and Affiliations.
Members must represent their qualifications, educational
achievements, credentials, certifications, and affiliations truthfully.
Professional Fees.
If members charge a professional fee for services provided, said fees
must be fair, reasonable, and consistent.
Any professional fees must be published and freely accessible on the
member’s website. No hidden fees or “bait and switch” schemes are permitted.
Members may not charge by the minute for services rendered.
Advertising must be clear, honest, unambiguous in nature, and not
make outlandish claims, e.g., “Our psychic surgery is 100% effective.”
Members may not advertise a claim to cure or heal any condition as a
result of their services, treatments, remedies, or products.
Members may not offer guarantees regarding the results of any
therapies, procedures, remedies, or products, but may offer satisfaction
guarantees on their services and products.
Members are prohibited from exploiting clients for financial or other
gain through inferences or misrepresentation of any sort.
Informed Consent.
Members must explain their services and the processes involved to
clients before services are rendered.
Members must never practice their art or gifts on clients without the
client’s consent.
Minors and those without the mental capacity for self-direction and
decision-making must be accompanied by a legal guardian, or have bona fide
written consent of a legal guardian before a member may perform services.
However, the wishes of the individual must override consent by a third
Audio or video recording, and/or photographic imagery of a client or
a client session is allowed only with written client consent.
Informed Consent/Disclosure Statement.
Members must obtain a signed Informed Consent/Disclosure (disclaimer)
statement from a client before any services are rendered. This statement
must provide the following information to the client:
The member’s training, credentials and/or certifications, scope of
practice, professional fee structure, code of ethics, policies, potential
benefits, expectations, and limitations of the service(s) to be performed. A
medical disclaimer statement must be included if the member is not a
licensed healthcare professional. Such a statement should include the
following or a close facsimile thereof:
“Staff members of this practice are not state licensed medical or mental healthcare professionals and do not prescribe drugs, diagnose medical/mental conditions, or provide therapeutic treatment or advice for such conditions. Nothing contained in any information provided by the staff or this practice, either verbally or in print, is intended to constitute or be construed as professional medical or psychotherapeutic advice for diagnosis or treatment. The methods used are transpersonal coaching, spiritual counseling, general personal growth and empowerment techniques, positive suggestion, psychic readings, energy work, guided imagery, visualization, relaxation techniques, and/or non-therapeutic hypnosis (DSM-IV-TR, V68.20
Request for Expert Advice).” You may delete any cited methods which you do not use.
The member’s affiliation with the International Metaphysical
Practitioners Association (IMPA), the IMPA’s web address, and the provision
for clients to lodge complaints with the IMPA if necessary must be included
in client information. This statement must read:
“[Member Name] is a Professional Member of the International
Metaphysical Practitioners Association (IMPA) in good standing and adheres
to the high standards of the IMPA Code of Ethics for the benefit of all
concerned and in the spirit of “Do no harm.” Comments, testimonials, or
complaints may be submitted on the IMPA website at www.MetaphysicalAssociation.org.”
4: Privacy and Confidentiality
All client information is to be deemed confidential and private
unless released in writing by the client. Members must not divulge
confidential client information to the public (including friends, family,
other practitioners, and the media). Protected information includes client
name, address, telephone number, and neighborhood, or any other personally
identifiable information.
Members may consult with other practitioners on client cases, but
cannot reveal personally identifiable details without the client’s consent.
Circumstances in which members are required to reveal client
information to the proper authorities are:
The practitioner is directed by court order or by law to disclose.
A client presents a serious risk of suicide or threatens to harm any
person, animal, or property.
Mandated Reporting. If a client intends or threatens to harm,
molest, maltreat, neglect, or abuse a child, elder, handicapped, or
vulnerable adult, members are required by this Code and often by law to
report such matters to the proper authorities. This supersedes
ecclesiastical privilege. The client, parents, or legal guardians of any
potential victims are not to be informed prior to notifying authorities.
5: Professional Integrity and Disposition
Members must maintain the highest standards of professional and
personal conduct in the metaphysical field.
Members must practice self-respect, self-responsibility, and
respect for free will in all aspects of their lives, and never attempt to
exploit, control, manipulate, or mistreat clients, colleagues, or anyone
Members must represent IMPA and the broad metaphysical field in a
professional, ethical, grounded, sensible, and courteous manner. Competition
and in-fighting among members or colleagues is absolutely prohibited. A
spirit of cooperation, collaboration, and mutual sharing must prevail.
Members must respond promptly and constructively to legitimate
questions, concerns, criticisms, and complaints, and avoid ad hominem
(personal) or vindictive attacks.
Members should avoid responding to hard-core skeptics and
unreasonable individuals simply bent on ridicule and faultfinding as it is a
waste of time. Therefore, unless extenuating circumstances demand otherwise,
members do not acknowledge nor answer any attacks made on them by said
individuals or unreasonable people (there is nothing to be gained by doing
so). Explanations rarely explain.
Members must have a mission statement and code of ethics, but in
no case will these supersede the code herein for the purposes of membership
and governance.
Members must exercise good judgment and refuse to participate in
unethical procedures or in procedures for which they are not duly trained or
Members may not be employed by nor offer a psychic hotline
6: Professional Discretion
Members must not provide client services while their ability to
practice is impaired mentally, emotionally, or physically.
Members must avoid alcohol and mind-altering drugs prior to or
while providing professional services.
Members must not offer services or advice that is beyond their
scope of training, ability, licensing, and expertise.
Right to Refuse or Refer.
Members must retain the right to refuse or postpone their services to
anyone for any valid reason including clients who appear to be unstable or
Members must use discretion and refuse to render service to clients
they cannot reasonably help, or believe they cannot reasonably help, in
which case, members must refer such clients to another qualified
practitioner or licensed healthcare provider if possible.
Members certified in hypnosis must not use hypnosis with clients
whose mental state is in question, who are epileptic, who have bi-polar
disease, schizophrenia, any other mental disease or disorder, or who are on
psychoactive medication for mood and behavioral modification unless they are
academically qualified and properly licensed in the field of psychology or
Medical Non-Interference.
Members must never claim, either explicitly or implied, to be able to
cure any physiological or psychological disease or disorder.
Members must never diagnose symptoms or medical conditions nor
prescribe medication unless they are also licensed healthcare professionals.
Members must never suggest that a client change a prescribed medical
treatment or otherwise interfere with or countermand the treatment of a
medical doctor or other licensed healthcare provider.
Members must never suggest, either explicitly or implied, that their
services are a substitute for prudent medical or psychological treatments or
therapy by licensed healthcare professionals.
Client Dependency.
Members must use prudence and recognize when a client may become
overly dependent on the member-practitioner for advice, counsel, direction,
and/or guidance. Members must encourage clients to think for themselves and
to make their own decisions.
Members must never say or imply that the member can fix a client’s
problems. Only clients can fix their own problems.
Members must discontinue providing services to clients who show a
continuing and chronic pattern of practitioner dependency or unhealthy
transference. Continuing in such a relationship would be doing harm to the
Psychic Predictions, Spells, and Curses.
Members are prohibited from representing psychic predictions as
facts. The future is not set and such predictions undermine a client’s free
Members are prohibited from offering services that involve the
casting of spells, hexes, or curses, or the removal of spells, hexes, or
curses. This includes psychic services that offer to help someone attract
love, money, or anything else.
Members are prohibited from offering psychic impressions or
predictions involving the feelings or actions of third parties. This
includes psychically answering questions such as, “Does he love me? Is she
cheating on me? Should I invest in XYZ stock? Is my girlfriend pregnant?”
and so on. Doing so harms the client.
7: Professional Presentation
Members must maintain proper hygiene and grooming, and dress in
an appropriate and professional manner consistent with their professional
practice and accepted local customs. Dirty, sloppy, suggestive, or wrinkled
clothing should be avoided.
Professional Website.
Members must have a website with a professional appearance and
content that does not violate this Code of Ethics.
The website must include the member’s mission statement, code of
ethics, and other policies in the spirit of full disclosure.
Business Location and Modality.
Business premises, whether commercial or residential, must present a
professional, clean, organized, and orderly image to clients.
Business premises must be safe and afford sufficient privacy for
client sessions.
Members may not offer client services strictly by email or chat room;
they must also offer clients the option of face-to-face and/or telephone
Members must use titles that reflect a professional and sensible
disposition. Titles such as “Fortune-Teller” and “Gypsy” are prohibited.
Members may not use terms in their titles that are protected under
their state or country law unless they are legally licensed to do so.
Protected terms/titles may include single words or variations of
certain terms such as, “therapist, psychologist, marriage counselor,
licensed, clinical,” etc. Members must consult the law of the state or
country in which they reside to determine protected titles.
Media Interviews and Appearances. Members must be professional
and responsible when issuing statements to the media or doing interviews
bearing in mind that they are representing themselves, IMPA (unofficially),
and the entire metaphysical field.
Members may not represent IMPA in an official capacity unless duly
authorized by IMPA Administration.
8: Professional Boundaries
Members are prohibited from offering services that require
clients to disrobe unless the member is duly licensed to require such by an
official governmental agency, e.g., licensed doctors and massage therapists.
In such cases of proper licensure, the will of the client prevails.
Members are prohibited from touching or making physical contact
with the private areas of a client’s body, e.g., the genital or breast
areas. Members performing energy work in these areas must use a hands-off
To ensure that practitioner-client boundaries are maintained and
to avoid the appearance of impropriety, members must use discretion and
prudence when performing services for a client of the opposite sex in an
isolated setting, i.e., when no other people are within the immediate
surrounding vicinity. In such settings, it is always prudent to have the
client bring a friend who will observe or wait nearby, as the case and type
of service warrants.
Dual Relationships. A Dual Relationship is any relationship with
a current client other than the practitioner-client relationship.
Members must avoid dual relationships that would create a conflict of
interest and/or over-familiarity with the client thus jeopardizing the
positive nature of the practitioner-client relationship and potentially
resulting in harm to the client.
Members must maintain appropriate and professional boundaries with
current clients and refrain from engaging in any activity that may result in
harm to the client.
Sexual Harassment Policy.
Sexual Harassment Policy Statement. Sexual harassment is a
form of misconduct that undermines the integrity of a colleague and/or
client relationship. Everyone has the right to practice in an environment
free from all forms of discrimination and conduct which can be considered
harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment.
Definition of Sexual Harassment. Sexual harassment is defined
as any unwanted physical, verbal or visual sexual advances, requests for
sexual favors, and other sexually oriented conduct which is offensive or
objectionable to the recipient, including, but not limited to:
Derogatory, suggestive, and/or offensive comments, epithets, slurs,
gestures, and/or propositions.
Touching and any other bodily contact such as scratching or patting a
person's back, grabbing a person around the waist, or interfering with a
person’s ability to move.
Repeated requests for dates that are turned down or unwanted
Transmitting or posting emails or pictures of a sexual or other
harassment-related nature.
Displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, drawings, or
Conditions of Sexual Harassment. Determining what constitutes
sexual harassment depends upon the specific facts and the context in which
the conduct occurs. Sexual harassment may take many forms—subtle and
indirect, or blatant and overt. For example:
It may be directed toward a member of the opposite sex or the same
It may occur between peers or between members in a hierarchical
It may be aimed at coercing a person to participate in an unwanted
sexual relationship.
It may have the effect of causing a person to change behavior or
It may consist of repeated actions or may even arise from a single
incident if sufficiently egregious.
Unwelcome sexual advances (either verbal or physical), requests for
favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute
sexual harassment when:
Submission to such conduct is either an explicit or implicit term or
condition of a continued relationship, continued collaboration, or continued
service to a client.
Submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as a basis for
determining whether a practitioner will provide services to a client or
colleague, or invite or recommend a client or colleague for membership or
employment in any organization.
The conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with an
individual's performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive
work environment.
Sexual harassment does not refer to occasional compliments of a
socially acceptable nature. It refers to behavior that violates a person’s
boundaries, is not welcome, is personally offensive, that debilitates
morale, and that interferes with a person’s effectiveness.
Reporting Sexual Harassment. Clients, colleagues, or fellow
IMPA members may report potential sexual harassment on the IMPA website at
9: Legal Conformity and Insurance
Members must be aware of and conform to all state and federal
laws regulating or governing their practice.
Members are strongly encouraged to carry appropriate public
liability and professional indemnity (Errors & Omissions; malpractice)
insurance where available for the services they provide.
Members who are not licensed healthcare professionals may not
represent themselves as such (see Section 6.3), and must disclose this fact
to clients (see Section 3.5.a.1).
10: Record Keeping
Members must maintain full client records, including details of
advice offered and services performed, for a period of at least seven years
from the time of the last consultation. This period is subject to any
applicable superseding requirement or law.
Records must be clear, honest, and factual.
Records must be kept safe and confidential. The disposal of any
records must be complete and not allow confidential client information to be
Members may transfer records to another practitioner upon the
client’s written request.
11: Continuing Education and Contributions to the Field
New IMPA members are required to complete and pass an online
ethics course before they can become full members. This course is included
as a benefit of membership.
Members are strongly encouraged to complete approved Continuing
Education (CE) courses as a matter of routine and a positive attitude toward
life-long learning.
Contributions to the Field.
Members are strongly encouraged to make contributions to the
metaphysical field in general, and specifically to their chosen area of
Contributions may be made in a number of ways including writing,
teaching, research, pioneering new methodologies and philosophies, and
paying it forward by offering services at a reduced rate or for free to
those in need.
12: Metaphysical Teachers and Educational Organizations
Members who teach metaphysical and holistic concepts and
modalities must do so with professionalism, integrity, insight, and respect
for the higher good and benefit of their students.
IMPA Accredited Organizations must adhere to the same high
standards of professionalism as IMPA members.
IMPA Accredited Organizations must disclose accreditation status
in printed and online materials with the following statement:
“[Organization Name] is accredited by the International Metaphysical
Practitioners Association (IMPA) and adheres to the high standards of the
IMPA Code of Ethics for the good of all concerned and in the spirit of “Do
no harm.” More information is available at MetaphysicalAssociation.org.”
13: Living Documents
If this Code of Ethics should conflict with established federal,
state, or county law of any country, the law shall prevail.
This Code of Ethics, the IMPA Integrity Oath, Membership
Requirements, and Accreditation Requirements are dynamic in nature and are
updated as appropriate and reasonable.
Members agree to abide by future updates of this Code.
Read the Abbreviated Version