The International Metaphysical Practitioners Association (IMPA) was borne of the need for a highly professional metaphysical association that brings together various disciplines for the mutual benefit of all humanity. IMPA was created to help metaphysical practitioners across disciplines grow, evolve, and to belong to an organization of like-minded people who strive toward an enlightened existential understanding which, in turn, has the potential to assist members in being even better equipped to help their clients. The added credibility of being associated with a highly professional organization will also help your clients to feel more confident in you as a practitioner or researcher.  

IMPA is a division of the International Church of Metaphysical Humanism, Inc., a metaphysical ministry whose mission is to help others learn and grow. IMPA was founded in December 2010 by Rev. Douglas R. Kelley, PhD, CH. Dr. Kelley has over 30 years of experience as a minister, spiritual teacher and counselor, coach, leader, and human development professional. He is a Certified Hypnotist and is also the founder of the International Church of Metaphysical Humanism, Inc., the Institute of Metaphysical Humanistic Science, Thomas Francis University, and ParaNexus Anomalous Research Resources, a website for anomalous researchers. Dr. Kelley brings all his experience to IMPA in an effort to make it a distinguished, first-class metaphysical association.


Specialize in General Metaphysics, Hypnosis, or Paranormal Science!

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Make Me Think
The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own. - Benjamin Disraeli 1804-1881, Former British Prime Minister